House GOP lawmakers introduce bill to stop 'race-based' preferences

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House GOP lawmakers introduce bill to stop 'race-based' preferences

'I never realised these kind of tips would become so popular and end up turning into a business enabling me to travel far and wide with my family, having such incredible experiences and making fond memories along the way.

'I'm a nurse and had a year of maternity leave, so our initial family gap year was funded by my pay from work and having our flat rented out. We didn't have any sponsorship for that trip, it was self-funded.

Yet the president doubted that Republican members of Congress could make their numbers match their calls for a balanced budget and he suggested that any efforts to do so could come at the expense of middle-class families.

Carol confirmed: 'No it's flying with Tom Cruise, piloting, because I fly. I went to the Leicester Square premiere of Top ‘SUM', homework help 4th graders see what I did there…Top Gun and I thought no, that is what I would absolutely love to do, is fly with Tom Cruise.'

 'Lawmakers introduced this legislation to score political points, but it would have a very real and very negative impact on small businesses if it became law,' the top Democrat on the Small Business Committee said in a statement.

'Together we've worked on campaigns with brands such as Volkswagen, Heathrow and ABTA - this particular campaign was a great example of value alignment because it promoted making holidays greener and we are always keen to reduce, reuse and recycle on our travels.

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The bill also applies to any 'state or private entity' that gets federal financial assistance, stating that they may not 'discriminate' or grant a preference in any contract, employment, or educational institution.

But federal spending would be equal to roughly one-quarter of economic output as the spending on Social Security and Medicare climbs, essentially keeping the government the same size as it is currently.

'Since then, the Administration has made significant progress advancing equity across the Federal Government, including by releasing a second Executive Order that strengthens its ability to create opportunities for communities and populations that have been historically underserved, and continues to build an America in which all can participate, prosper, and reach their full potential,' it continues.

It found half as many references to the word 'border' and only two mentions of 'fentanyl,' while the word 'transgender' featured eight times, and 'queer' seven times - but the word 'opioids' was mentioned four times.

'On his first day in office, the President signed a sweeping Executive Order directing the entire Federal Government to advance an ambitious equity and racial justice agenda—not as a one-year project, but as part of a sustained commitment to make the promise of America real for every American,' the document reads.